What is Barton Smart?
Identifying a demand for entertainment at Northern Virginia restaurants and breweries, David Barton
Harris formed Barton Smart Trivia & Puzzles in 2021.
Why do players love Barton Smart?
Well, it’s not just trivia. Players enjoy being rewarded, not just for what they know, but what they can
solve! Detecting patterns and finding connections helps players unlock Barton Smart puzzles, an engaging
feature that separates Barton Smart from other trivia.
How does it work?
Teams receive a custom answer sheet at the start of every event. Here they’ll write answers for each of
the event’s multiple categories. Your host will score each team between categories and display them on the
leaderboard. The winning team basks in pride while everyone else explains how they "would’ve gotten it
right" if they "just had a little more time."